What to Expect
Be our Guest! Maple Grove Baptist Church of Jackson welcomes anybody and everybody to our church. Don't worry about your clothing, we all just wear the best we've got, be it a suit or a pair of jeans. We're typical Baptists who like to eat, and we occasionally have our famous potluck meals. We sing traditional hymns, but that doesn't mean we have stuffy services. We have a "country church" setting, where it is okay to say, "Amen" or testify of what the Lord has done in our lives.

What to Expect, cont.
The preaching can be loud and "fiery," but that is usually a good thing! We read from the King James Bible, and at the end of each service, we have an "Invitation." This is a time when we are invited to pray and make decisions to obey Christ. If someone has never begun a personal relationship with Christ Jesus, he will be invited to do so at this time with the guidance of an "atlar helper" who can show from the Bible what it means to be "born-again" and how to go to Heaven.

Pastor Charles Lang and Assistant Pastor Joseph Lang
Pastor Chuck Lang and his beautiful wife Lynda, together with their son and Assistant Pastor Joseph Lang and his wife Elise, serve the close-knit family of Maple Grove Baptist Church under the direction of God's Word and with the help of Maple Grove's very faithful Deacons. Pastor Lang is a graduate of Hyles-Anderson College and Spring Arbor University. He has been a faithful pastor in the city of Jackson for over 30 years.

Maple Grove serves each other in a variety of ways: Sunday schools for every age, youth ministry, music and drama ministry, media ministry, city outreach and more.

Our church was started about a half century ago, and our ministry to the Jackson community is still going strong.

We believe that God eternally exists as a Triune God in the form of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, revealing Himself to us through His inspired words of Scripture. Because of man's sin in the Garden of Eden, God the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to reconcile mankind to Himself by allowing Jesus to die on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Three days later, Jesus physically resurrected from the tomb where He had been buried. After being seen by His disciples and commissioning them to carry out the good news of His death and resurrection, Jesus Christ ascended back to His Father in Heaven where He is preparing a place for all those who put their trust in Him for eternal life. Unfortunately, any who do not believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, paid the penalty for their sins, will condemn themselves to an eternity in Hell, a terrible place made for the devil and his angels.